Wadi House: The Best Hostel in Yazd 2023

What You Should Expect from a Hostel in Yazd

Wadi House Courtyard at Night
Wadi House

We’ve discussed what makes Yazd such a special city in a previous blog, and we’ve even listed some of the best hostels in this not-to-be-missed tourist destination. In a city that has so well preserved its original context, it would be a shame to stay in a modern hotel with universal amenities when you can find traditional hostels and guesthouses like Wadi House that help you appreciate the city and its people’s culture even better. And on a more personal level. These places of accommodation are somewhat abundant though, which means making a choice about which one to stay at is not too easy.

An essential part of any good hostel in Yazd -or in Iran for that matter- is the courtyard. In the traditional Iranian architectural style, personal houses are built with a central courtyard that is accessed through a corridor called the Hashti. The rooms of the house face one another and open to a porch that leads to the courtyard. These rooms tend to have different names; There’s the Shahneshin or the King room, usually the most ornate one in the house, there’s the Se-Dari room, a room with 3 doors, the Panj-Dari room with 5 doors, and more. If you have been to any traditional hostel in Iran, you’ve probably gained some familiarity with this style.


Private Room with Double Bed
Wadi House – Rooms

Now, since a lot of traditional houses look somewhat alike, you may think the concept would lose its charm altogether after a while. While this may be true in some cases, a house that has its own personality will manage to enthrall those who visit it no matter how many repetitive patterns it follows. The Yazd hostel we want to feature in this blog, Wadi House, is a house that has an undeniable charm to it. While you may be able to find similar buildings throughout Iran, the thing that cannot be replicated is the wonderful atmosphere and vibe of this hostel; one can truly feel the effort, taste, and passion that is put into this hostel’s restoration and upkeep.

So, without any further ado, let’s get into the core of this post: Introducing our favorite hostel in Yazd, the Wadi House!

What Makes Wadi House Unique

Wadi House Courtyard
Wadi House Courtyard

While you’ll surely be put under Wadi’s spell the moment you walk into the house, there are things about this hostel that make it truly unique and go beyond its charming appearance and impeccable services. The most important of which, probably, is the sense of intimacy you will have in Wadi House: With only two rooms, you will truly feel like you’re at your own home, unbothered by the stress of being in a foreign land and far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. If you’re looking for a truly delightful, relaxing, and calm accommodation in Yazd, you can’t really find a better place than the Wadi House.

Rooms in Wadi House

Private Room with Double Bed and Open Doors
Wadi House – Rooms

As previously mentioned, Wadi House offers only two rooms, both are which are ensuite and each can accommodate up to 4 guests. This can bring a sense of privacy and intimacy, but it also means you kind of need to book way in advance, as you cannot really risk just showing up at their door and expecting room and board. Wadi House can perhaps be the most ideal option for large families, who can book the whole hostel and enjoy a pleasant time having it all to themselves.

Common Room with Traditional Seats and Television
Wadi House – Common Room

Another great part of Wadi is the incredibly cozy and charming common room, with an old TV and traditional seating arrangements: Large pillows on the ground and a very low table! There’s also a similar arrangement for the front porch, except there’s the addition of a Korsi, a traditional low table covered with a blanket that has a heater underneath.  And then there is of course the central courtyard with its traditional benches, which can make for a beautiful evening.


Breakfast in Wadi House
Breakfast in Wadi House

The first important service in any place of accommodation is the breakfast service. Your breakfast kind of defines the rest of your day, so when a place like Wadi House offers a filling, delicious, and beautifully arranged breakfast buffet, you know you’re prepared for the rest of your day. The staff at Wadi sure know how to set an appetizing table, as they have some delicious homemade options for lunch and dinner as well!

Now that you don’t have to worry about what you’re going to eat during your time in Yazd, you can put your attention on your daily itinerary and figure out the different places you’re going to visit. Well, the staff of Wadi House are there to help you with whatever you need.

Location of Wadi House

Wadi House Room
Wadi Interior

Wadi House is located right in the center of Yazd’s old town, just a few minutes away from the magnificent Jameh Mosque, the Amir Chakhmaq Complex, the Dowlatabad Garden, and most of the city’s historical houses.

You can also read about our favorite hostels in different cities of Iran!

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